Frequently asked questions

Currently most Japanese cards only have the Normal variant. We're still in the process of adding other variants like Reverse Holo and 1st Edition. A lot of Normal Holo card variants are also incorrectly listed as Normal. These will be gradually corrected over time without you needing to do anything.

It's based on the card variant market price multiplied by the quantity in your collection. If no price is available for a variant, the market price of the most common variant of the same card is used. Card languages and conditions have no effect on the price calculation.

We do our best to include pricing information for all cards and variants, but unfortunately there will always be cards or variants that don't have pricing information. If we don't have the data, it will simply be left out.

They're calculated by using the market price of the most common variant of a card. Card languages and conditions aren't included in the pricing information.

Pricing information for Japanese cards is very limited and spread across multiple websites. We're looking into sourcing pricing information from various sources at this time.

Even if your local currency isn't displayed, you can still use it to buy a premium subscription. The price will automatically be converted from the displayed currency to your local currency.

You'll keep all your collection data. You might no longer be able to add new cards to your collection because of certain limits though. If you start a premium subscription again, you'll be able to continue where your previously left off.

TCG Collector was designed to work on any device. Simply open it on your mobile browser and you're good to go. You can also pin TCG Collector to your home screen and use it exactly like an app. We are looking into adding the site to the App or Play Store for discoverability though.